Sunday, November 28, 2010


Hurricane Richard-2010-3 Village View Post: NOSTALGIA: HURRICANE HATTIE 49 YEARS AGO
The National Emergency Management Organization (NEMO) of Belize held a meeting on Friday November 26th at 2:00 p.m. to formally ending the hurricane season. Certificates of admiration and awards were issued to outstanding chair persons and members of the Emergency Operating Committee that supported NEMO throughout the hurricane season.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Adele Music Information: Marsha Ambrosius – Far Away .

  • Artist : Marsha Ambrosius
  • Song: Far Away
  • Album: Late Nights & Early Mornings
Such a beautiful song! Marsha Ambrosius, a former member of the English band duo Floetry has came out with an amazing new song 'Far Away', taken from her upcoming debut solo studio album 'Late Nights & Early Mornings' slated for release on January 4, 2011. This would have been labored with Michael Jackson on it!

Marsha Ambrosius – Far Away : Lyrics, Mp. Ringtones Watshit .

  • Artist : Marsha Ambrosius
  • Song: Far Away
  • Album: Late Nights & Early Mornings
Such a beautiful song! Marsha Ambrosius, a previous member of the English band duo Floetry has came out with an astonishing new song 'Far Away', taken from her upcoming debut solo studio album 'Late Nights & Early Mornings' slated for free on January 4, 2011. This would have been heavy with Michael Jackson on it!

Tiddu: Green Fayre !010 and Swansea Art Society Winter Exhibition

I will be having a booth with my sea ice and sea pottery jewellery and paintings on driftwood, sea slate and sea shells at the Green Fayre, Swansea this weekend and here's the ad for the event:

Green Fayre 2010: Green fayre

Saturday 27th & Sunday 28th November2010 (THIS WEEKEND!)


At the National Waterfront Museum,Maritime Quarter, Swansea, SA1 3RD

Shopping with a Conscience.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Persnickety Snark: Thoughts on Negative v. Critical Reviews

34_negative Persnickety Snark: Thoughts on Negative v. Critical Reviews
There is a whole lot of brouhaha about negative reviews throughout the blogosphere at the moment.While the Jawas Read, Too blog fiasco with Andrew Smith and Michael Grant sickened me after eight comments, I wanted to work my care to something more concerning.The confusion regarding negative reviews. I think there is a dispute between negative and critical reviews and find it unfortunate that they are lumped together.