Sunday, September 26, 2010

Here Now: Learning how to MANIFEST HEAVEN ON EARTH.

Step 1. First looking at your own thoughts of separation, abuse, judgments and fearsStep 2. Forgive yourself for All these thingsStep 3. Walk in your process of Self Forgiveness daily to see and uncover all the limiting believes we have recognized and allowed that do not living Life equally. Step 4.

Start to create actual physical differences in your behavior, push yourself beyond you`re limiting believes - so that you may get a self-trust that is not guided by emotions and feelings but an actual statement/action of you. Step 5. Once you do these for yourself - you assist others to do the same so that All may be a dignified life.Tools to assist - writing yourself to freedom- In self honesty writing we get to see where we are limiting ourselves and causing separation in our accepted and allowed thinking/believes.Education- Educate you by studying "how we got here" in the foremost place. We must first know how we have created this reality of abuse corruption and separation so we may get a light and accurate agreement of this process. Only with this understand can we then take a change. What Desteni and their members have done for me in my life.I have been with Desteni for 3 years. What I have learned so far is to advertise through my resistances.Learning not to be addicted to push of emotions and feelings.Since Desteni - I have stopped drinking alcohol ordered for 20 months, which was an almost daily activity for 43 yeas I get started to write which I was extremely fearful of - do to my programmed experience of not doing good in school due to sickness and abusive teachers. I have been more logical than I always bear in my life. I have really started to really care who I am becoming- where as before I had little self worth I have been letting go of my personality programs. I get started college after 34 years I have learned to believe myself more I am learning what it way to Survive Life in coexistence and sympathy for what is better for ALL I have learned and I am still learning to force myself through my limiting believes that have stopped me from life a good and dignified life.Learning how illnesses and dis-ease are coupled to belief patterns that we have recognized and allowed and how to eventually delete these patterns though writing, self-honesty and self-forgiveness. Learning how to spend/use money in a way that is better for me and also better for all. I am learning how to keep others who are interested in making a shift in their spirit and others.For further assists and living with Your Work there is an Equal Life Support Course (Desteni Income Plan - that is likewise an income opportunity for one who participates and qualifies by doing the course requirements. You can reach me though a Facebook message (Adele Caskey) or give a comment here if you would care to be on a list for more info around the line and income opportunity.There are at this time Limited enrollment and requirements for the course.We do not trust in a God that will need charge of us. We believe that we are the Gods who make this creation and it is up to Us to accept responsibility. "We are the Range and Likeness of God"We do not think that "good thinking loving/positive thoughts" will alter the man or us as this is a separation polarity believe that keeps us enslaved to the "mind" that thoughts without action will get a shift and this has been the "secret" ingredient that has kept mankind living in abuse, separation, corruption and greed.

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