Friday, October 8, 2010

A little more on New Zealand (scroll down for today's 75 for 75)

If you're looking for today's 75 for 75 paintings, scroll down a bit for today's earlier post. A few years ago, on Tuesday October 5th to be exact, I announced that Joe Garcia and I have been asked to do a Painting Holiday in the voice of New Zealand where I grew up. Here it is, Friday October 8, and the trigger is near to being full! Wow - I believe we've broken all records!

Just in case you're interested, I'm posting a bit more info around it. Today I came across a few blog entries written by an American writer visiting the Matakana area, where we're staying on our painting holiday. you get to the seat of the page, make certain you click on older entries so that you see a match more posts around the Matakana area. I particularly liked his post 'Drinking Wine With the Sun Gods' about a chat with John Crone, winemaker and proprietor of Hyperion we desire to call on our painting holiday. Some have asked if non-painters can occur on the trip. Unlike painting workshops where your spouse/partner/traveling companion may be bored to tears while you're in class, our daily excursions to the bush, beaches and islands of New Zealand's Kowhai Coast offer plenty for painters and non-painters alike. Almost all the places we'll be visiting have great hiking trails. One afternoon will be spent at Goat Island, where after a slip on the glass bottom boat, the artists in the radical can paint for a few hours. Non-artists can rent snorkeling equipment and see the most amazing marine life as Goat Island has been a protected marine reserve for 30 years. Diving lessons are also available.On the next day, we'll make the launch out to Kawau Island we'll spend 4 hours paintings, exploring and hiking. After reverting to the mainland, perhaps we'll see a few wineries before heading back to our Retreat for dinner. After dark those who are interested can do with me to the top of Morrison's Hill where we'll wait for the Southern Cross and mind for Moreporks (a native owl) or ruru. Shortly after dark, if you're in the proper location, you'll hear moreporks calling and answering each other.more-pork.more-pork. This is the voice of the New Zealand bush at night - and when I know I'm really home.

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