Thursday, October 28, 2010

Shrink Rap: In Treatment: Adele

Paul goes to a new psychiatrist because he wants a prescription for Ambien.He ran out 3 years ago and it's 5PM on Friday and he can't wait until Monday when he's scheduled to see a neurologist.The new shrink, we see from her diploma on the wall, has an M.D. a pH.D. and she's a psychoanalyst.By my count, that makes her about 80, but Paul is fast to repeatedly comment on how young she is.

I'm sure whatever grade you're in, you've learned to write."Paul wants a script, that's it.And he came to a psychoanalyst for it?He's hostile, irritable, angry, and condescending.He gets annoyed when she asks him what dose.He's kept alive by a dream, but he's been analyzed by Gina and he knows what everything is astir and he won't tell her the dream, only that it relates to his patients, his frustration with his work (.being with a patient is like being two mice trapped in a glue trap), and his certainty that he has Parkinson's Disease.Oh, but when you see how he takes extra Ambien in the heart of the night, it's variety of got me wondering if he hasn't misdiagnosed himself and isn't in withdrawal during the day, .but I think we'll see that out next week.My surmise is that Paul's tremor is psychogenic.but again.Oh, yes, ClinkShrink reminds me he is a TV character and not a genuine person.Gina, his old analyst whom he exploited to struggle with miserably, has written a new and Paul has brought it with him.Got it in a record store on the way to the date and he wishes he'd asked for a bag.He gets defensive when Adele questions his discussion with Gina: she was your teacher, your supervisor, your analyst, and your couples therapist?He is offended, after all what does this newbie pipsqueak know?Adele apologizes.Twice.And she's extremely kind of Paul's patronizing and demanding demeanor regarding the Ambien prescription.He's clearly not a patient, not concerned in being evaluated or getting treatment recommendations (ah, he knows it all, there's nothing anyone can offer).he's here to purchase a prescription and he's not yet going to turn the plot of being polite.Paul predictably softens as the episode goes on and talks a little about himself.Adele ends the session by singing him the door is constantly exposed to him- something Gina said she 'should' say but wouldn't.He comments on what a difficult patient he is and Adele says she hadn't notices, but alas, Adele is lying.

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